SME Loan : Crowd4Cash

Crowd4Cash KMU Kredit
Crowd Solutions AG
Bellevueweg 42
6300 Zug

Crowd4Cash is an innovative crowd lending platform from Switzerland, which brings together borrowers and lenders in a simple and unbureaucratic way. Lending is direct and uncomplicated and exclusively online. Investors benefit from above-average returns compared to other forms of investment.

In Switzerland, average yields of four to eight percent p.a. were achieved. Users can invest in credit projects with just a few clicks. If the financing is successful, Crowd4Cash creates the documents and handles the payments. Due to low minimum investment amounts, efficient diversification of investments is possible even with a small investment amount. Crowd4Cash is licensed as a financial intermediary and has its headquarters in Zug, Switzerland.

How Crowd4Cash works

The borrowers submit the application online and present the necessary documents for identification and credit check. Using a specially developed algorithm, the requests are evaluated and checked. An initial check is carried out at the time of registration and further specialists also examine the application. The creditworthiness is verified by means of external credit agencies. In addition, a second independent rating is obtained, which offers the investor even more security. Only after this thorough examination are credit requests published on the platform. The rejection rate is 80%.

Borrowers benefit from attractive interest rates of between four and eight percent, averaging six percent. Crowd4Cash earns from the moderate service fees of borrowers and investors. The fees cover the maintenance of the platform, the credit assessment, the provision of information and the payment processing during the entire term.

The loan offer from Crowd4Cash

The loans from Crowd4Cash offer favourable interest rates and attractive conditions. Especially for small and medium-sized companies the loans offer many possibilities to secure liquidity in the short or medium term. Furthermore, the loans support the implementation of new projects and help to bridge financial bottlenecks. The loans are also useful for companies wishing to expand or restructure their debts.

The Crowd4Cash loan

Unternehmen aus der Schweiz oder Liechtenstein können bei Crowd4Cash einen Kredit beantragen. Der Kreditrahmen liegt zwischen 5.000 und 1.000.000 Schweizer Franken. Die Laufzeiten können zwischen 3 Monaten und 60 Monaten flexibel gewählt werden. Die Zinsen betragen von 6 % - 9 %. Die Gebühren betragen 0.8 % / Jährlich. Bei Crowd4Cash ist es üblich, dass zum Schutz der Kreditnehmer Unternehmen mehr als zwei Jahre operativ tätig sein sollten. Jüngere Unternehmen benötigen eine Bürgschaft der Eigentümer oder Sicherheiten wie Immobilien. Für den Kredit müssen sich Unternehmen zunächst registrieren und dann Angaben zum Unternehmen sowie wichtige Unterlagen und Dokumente wie etwa aktuelle Finanzzahlen vorlegen. Dazu gehören auch persönliche Angaben zum konkreten Antragsteller, etwa dem Firmeninhaber oder dem zuständigen Mitarbeiter.

Advantages of credit with Crowd4Cash

Crowd4Cash is also about responsibility, including flexible and secure financing. The company therefore only grants loans after a comprehensive credit assessment.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Simple and uncomplicated application
  • Favourable interest rates
  • Fast processing and decision
  • Fair and transparent fees

After application Crowd4Cash checks the credit application within 48 hours with small and medium-sized companies. The elaborate examination of the credit application is intended to reduce the risk of loss for the investors and to prove the creditworthiness and viability of the company.